Thursday, January 17, 2013

40th Anniversary Celbebrations - January 11 Chapel

 In Indian culture times of celebration are done well.  This certainly held true for the celebration of the 40th anniversary for the Bangalore Baptist Hospital.  The actual date of the anniversary is January 15.  However, celebrations began on January 11, and consisted of several events over the next four days.

The first ceremony was hospital chapel on Friday morning, January 11.  Also invited to this special service were former and retired staff.

Smrithi Auditorium was packed with staff who could be away from hospital duties.

Dr. Benny Woods with his wife Carolyn lived in Bangalore 2006-2011 while he worked with the pastoral care department in the hospital.  Benny was invited back for the celebrations and asked to deliver the morning devotional in this chapel service.

In Indian culture guests are welcomed with either a garland of flowers about the neck or a stole around the shoulders.  A portion of the first of the celebratory functions was the awarding of stoles to each of the invited guests.

As part of the anniversary celebrations the hospital chose to inaugurate/dedicate new facilities or services.  The first was an overflow annex for the Smrithi Auditorium since it was close at hand.

Dr. Rebekah Naylor, surgeon, who has been associated with the Bangalore Baptist Hospital since 1974, was asked to cut the ribbon for the Smrithi Auditorium Annex.

I was asked to cut the ribbon for the new Hand Surgery and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Unit.   Dr. George Anderson, head of the unit shares about services which will be provided while I wait to offer the dedicatory prayer and cut the ribbon.

Mr. William Mason, Hospital Administrator from 1974 to 1977 was asked to cut the ribbon to open the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit of the hospital.

In order for guests from the USA to meet as many former or retired staff as possible, the hospital served tea to this group following the conclusion of the program.  Here Dr. and Mrs. Wikman, one of the earliest physicians to come to Bangalore, talk with friends. Dr. Wikman was responsible for the early outpatient clinics and the construction of the hospital.

Dr. Rebekah Naylor and the Wikmans talk with staff during tea

Even after 30 years friendships remain

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