Thursday, January 17, 2013

40th Anniversary Celebrations - January 11 Public Celebration

The public celebration for the 40th anniversary with invited guests was held on Friday afternoon, January 11.   Again the Smrithi Auditorium was filled.

Any celebration in India is a colorful affair with all of the ladies dressed in their very lovely saris.

Two representatives from the government of the state of  Karnataka were invited as chief guests.  Each of these inaugurated a new structure for the campus.

Honorable Justice N. Santosh Hegde revealed the plaque for the Smrithi Auditorium where the program was held. 

Dr. E. V. Ramana Reddy, Principal Secretary of the state of Karnataka, revealed the place for the new outpatient waiting area,

A portion of the celebration was a traditional Indian dance performed by two dancers.


Traditional Indian celebrations may also include the lighting of an oil lamp.  Each of the chief guests and guests from the USA along with the present and former Chief Executive officers of the hospital participated, lighting one wick of the lamp.

Dr. John Wikman, first of the American missionary personnel present to arrive in India, was invited to bring a devotional challenge.

In preparation for the 40th anniversary, a committee from the hospital produced a  "coffee table" book portraying the history of the hospital in written and photographic form.  This book was revealed and copies presented to each of the guests.

Any celebration in India includes some form of refreshment.  As evening was approaching tea and snacks were served to all on the hospital grounds.

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