Monday, January 14, 2013

Bangalore Baptist Hospital - 2013 - Part 3

From as limited number of specialty physicians on staff in 1975 (one each of Internal Medicine, Surgery, and Pediatrics), the numbers of speciality services offered have increased significantly.  The hospital is one of only 150 private hospitals in the country who have been accredited by both accrediting boards in the country.

Each Darker Blue area on this board in the outpatient waiting area represents one type of specialty available on staff.  Some newer specialties include Reproductive medicine, Maxiofacial surgery, Hand surgery, Oncology, and Radiology for cancer therapy.  Each lighter blue area beneath the darker blue area gives the name of a physician on staff with that specialty training.

Bangalore Baptist Hospital Cancer and Oncological Radiology Unit            

In 1975 a single bassinet/heating unit located in the adult ICU was the only place to provide intensive care for newborns.  Now there is a large well equipped Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit.  With the introduction of
Reproductive medicine services the number of newborns needing intensive care has increased significantly. 

Classroom space and CT Unit

A key facet of the medical work at Bangalore Baptist Hospital from its earliest days has been that of teaching.  USA physicians from the start were required to be board certified in a particular area of medicine so that they could teach national doctors.  Through the years teaching has expanded to provide residency training in multiple medical specialties.  The newest area of training has been a partnership with a national university to provide clinical training for international medical students, mostly from Malaysia.  New classroom facilities have been provided to accommodate these students.

Nursing school classrooms and offices

Now 16 years old, the Rebekah Naylor School of Nursing was started as a means of providing education for young ladies in the community and provide staff for the hospital.  Today the school admits 30 students each year at the certificate level, and 40 students at the BSN level.

Built originally as a student center adjacent to the hospital campus, this building now serves as library and additional classroom space for the nursing school.

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