Monday, January 14, 2013

Bangalore Baptist Hospital - 2013 - Part 2

The Bangalore Baptist Hospital serves people from all walks of life.  There are four to six bed wards for those who are unable to afford the cost of a private or semi-private room.  Private patients have options of multiple types of rooms, one of which is pictured below.

New Outpatient Waiting Area

To expedite delivery of laboratory samples from wards to the general laboratory, a pneumatic tube system transports these laboratory samples.

The first addition to the hospital after our arrival in 1975 was a chapel area.  This was used for worship as well as times when the whole staff could come together.  This addition was dedicated by Mother Theresa in 1980.

Smrithi Auditorium
Today the staff has increased such that a new auditorium has been built that will seat 600.  Its design is more futuristic than the remainder of the buildings on campus.

Providing food for such a large staff has resulted in the addition of a larger canteen/cafeteria.  It is located separate from the main patient wings of the hospital.

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